The life of prayer and worship nourishes the intimate relationship between the Poor Clare and her Heavenly Spouse. The fruitfulness of such a life cannot be measured in worldly terms. The Holy Father tells us: “Contemplatives pray and live for the Church and often obtain for her support and progress, heavenly graces and assistance that are far superior to those achieved by activity.” Thus, we can know in the supernatural sense that “the man most useful to the human race is the one who can help the greater number of people in the most ways and for the longest time, not in the physical but in the spiritual sphere. He serves them not for this short life, but for the future life.” (Bl. Paul Giustiniani)
By her profession the Poor Clare is “especially dedicated and consecrated to the public worship of God which finds its fullest expression in the Sacred Liturgy.” (Constitutions) The Poor Clare keeps ever in mind that in offering her praises to God in the Liturgy of the Hours and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass she is standing in the name of the Church her Mother, so that the whole course of the worlds day and night is being consecrated to God.