St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!
The form of life of the Poor Sisters that Blessed Francis established is this: to observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, by living in obedience, without anything of one's own, and in chastity.
The Holy Rule
Our labor here is brief, but the reward is eternal.Do not be disturbed by the clamor of the world, which passes like a shadow.Do not let false delights of a deceptive world deceive you.
St. Clare of Assisi
Gaze upon Him, consider Him, contemplate Him,as you desire to imitate Him.
St. Clare of Assisi
From Sts. Francis and Clare in the 13th century to St. Colette in the 15th century.
“Jesus, are you calling me?”
The form of life of the Poor Sisters that Blessed Francis established is this…
This form of life “appears as the most radical way of living the Gospel on earth, a way which may be called divine.”
Learn the story of our chapel, the place most intimate where we adore our Lord.
Although the Poor Clares are cloistered, there are many opportunities to unite oneself to their way of life and prayer.