Poor Clare Colettine Nuns of Rockford, Illinois | Holy Unity
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A Shared Life in Holy Unity

For our Holy Mother St. Clare, and according to true Franciscan tradition, the communal dimension is essential to our form of life.  From the beginning of her life consecrated to God, St. Clare had sisters who were a gift of God to her.  Life in a communion of love, which has its basis in the family life of the Trinity itself, commits each Poor Clare to her task of realizing community life better, so that the mystery of his love shows forth more clearly from day to day.  St. Clare tells her daughters: “Love one another with the charity of Christ.  May the love you have in your hearts be shown outwardly in your deeds.”  Thus, the hands and heart of God are at work in each Poor Clare who renders herself a ready instrument of his Mercy.  Living in charity and in truth the sisters attain the goal to which the Lord has called them and for which he has gathered them together into one family.